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作家相片Natural Curl Uni

Make an appointment to shoot


如果您真的非常喜愛捲捲,希望捲捲為您的回憶留下美麗的影像 快點完成預約吧^_^






 ( 周一為捲捲公休日,若您需要安排服務,另有額外開棚費用唷 )

☆關於付款,主要分為兩次( 預約定金與拍攝當日 )

系列寫真(含孕期寫真. 親子寫真. 閨密寫真)                  定金為NT$  5,000.

自主婚紗(國內行程)               定金為NT$15,000.

自主婚紗(海外行程)                                                       定金為NT$25,000.

婚禮紀錄                                                                         定金為NT$10,000.

系列寫真(含孕期寫真. 親子寫真. 閨密寫真) 側錄         定金為NT$  3,000.

自主婚紗(國內行程)側錄                                                定金為NT$  8,000.




帳戶名稱 : 自然捲攝影工作室  

銀行名稱 : 永豐銀行  板橋分行

銀行代號 : 807

帳號 : 117-018-0000538-8

 (口頭預約僅保留三天優先權,以完成定金付款之顧客為優先 )

If you really like us, I hope we will leave a beautiful image for your memories.

Hurry up to make an appointment ^ _ ^

First of all, you will need to provide 2 to 3 shooting dates (if you have children in the mirror, you may wish to arrange morning or afternoon sessions) with your real name and contact details.

We will be arranged according to the date you wish, if the date you provided is really full .

We will take the initiative to provide a schedule you can arrange.

After confirming the schedule you need, you will need to complete the deposit payment retention period within three days of the booking date.

(If you do not receive the deposit, we are very sorry! We will provide the time to the next

group of customers, you need to re-appointment process)

(Monday for winding holidays, if you need to arrange services, and an additional opening

fee. )

☆ About payment, mainly divided into two (booking deposit and the date of filming)

Series photo (including pregnancy photo. Parent-child photo. Glamorous photo)

The deposit is NT $ 5,000.

Pre-wedding (domestic travel) The deposit is NT $ 15,000.

Pre-wedding (Overseas Trip) The deposit is NT $ 25,000.

Wedding The deposit is NT $ 10,000.

Series photo (including pregnancy photo. Parent-child photo. Boudoir photo) side


The deposit is NT $ 3,000.

Pre-wedding (domestic travel) side recording The deposit is NT $ 8,000.

☆ Deposit will not be refunded

You can make an appointment to pay for your stay, or choose to transfer funds to make an

appointment (be sure to provide the last five yards of your account for confirmation.)

☆ Remittance information

Account Name: Natural Curl Studio

Bank Name: Yongfeng Bank Banqiao Branch

Bank Code: 807

Account number: 117-018-0000538-8

(Oral reservation only retains three days priority, to pay the deposit to complete the customer priority)

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